卓视动态 | 中国传统民俗小吃与娱乐活动介绍



       糖画Sugar Painting


  Sugar painting is a form of traditional Chinese folk art using hot, liquid sugar to create two dimensional objects on a marble or metal surface. After the sugar cools, it will be stick to a bamboo stick and removed using a spatula. Three dimensional objects can be created by laying solidified sugar. Sugar painting may have originated during the Ming dynasty when aristocratic families or government officials molded small animals made of sugar for religious rituals. As techniques improved, Chinese folk artists combined the molded sugar with other arts, like shadow play and paper cutting, to create a more diverse range of patterns.

  Nowadays, sugar painting is considered as a representation of the wisdom and creativeness of Chinese people. To inherit and develop this kind of art and food, the government listed it as Provincial Non-Material Culture Heritage.

  The process of sugar painting includes four steps, including boiling down syrup, painting on a plane, sticking to a stick, removing from the surface.

  In 2012. automatic machines for making sugar paintings started to appear in the market. Once sugar is added, the machine is programmed to paint on a surface in a process similar to automatic engraving. It does not need any art skills or experience, and is easy to operate.


剪影Silhouette Portrait


  Silhouette portrait is a form of paper-cutting art. Scissors and black paper (or dark color paper) are used to cut the external contour of people, animals or objects without internal structure, and the image is showed by the shape of the shadow.

  Silhouette portrait was introduced into China in 1928. The origin of it is said to be one of the artworks in European ruling houses. In order to portrait the features of royal families, royal artists created silhouette portraits in addition to various painting methods to meet their requirements.


捏面人Dough Figurine



  Dough figurine is a traditional Chinese toy originated in 17thcentury which is made from dough or glutinous rice powder in form of edible figurine such as animals, flowers or characters in folk stories. The toy is introduced in almost all traditional festivals and public places like parks or gardens.

  To create a dough figurine, the craftsman needs a mixture of glutinous and ordinary rice powders which is easily to knead into different shapes and edible for children. In the past, dough figurine was steamed after being kneaded but today they are made directly from pre-boiled paste so that the craftsman can reduce the time for making one figurine.


皮影戏Shadow Play


  Shadow play, also known as shadow puppetry, is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment which uses flat articulated cut-out figures (shadow puppets) which are held between a source of light and a translucent screen or scrim. Various effects can be achieved by moving the puppets and light source.

  A 1235 book mentions that puppets were initially cut out of paper, but later made of colored leather or parchment. There are 24 steps of making shadow puppets including scraping, grinding, washing, carving and coloring, etc. They are about 750px high, mostly in profile, with simple and smooth outline.

  The stories are mostly true, but some are fictional and comic.


灯谜Lantern Riddles


  Lantern riddles, got popular since earlier Song Dynasty, often accompanied with flower lanterns on the 15th Lantern Festival of the first month every year as a guessing game that many people can participate in together. The rule is to stick riddles on the lamp, most of them are poems, the person figures out the riddles may get prizes.


冰糖葫芦Bingtanghulu (Skewers of glazed fruit)


  Tanghulu, also called Bingtanghulu, is a traditional Northern Chinese snack of candied Crataegus pinnatifida. It consists of fruits covered in hard candy on bamboo skewers which are approximately 20 cm long, they are coated in a hardened sugar syrup.To make a traditional Bingtanghulu, the first thing is to boil the cleaned hawthorns, then remove the core, and boil the soft white sugar. After the sugar is boiled, dip the fruit string in the sugar and leave it to cool.


汉服Han Chinese Clothing


  Ancient Chinese clothing refers to the historical clothing styles of China. The Han Chinese historically wore a robe or a shirt for the upper garment, while the lower garment was commonly a pleated skirt.

  Traditional Han clothing comprises all traditional clothing classifications of the Han Chinese with a recorded history of more than three millennia until the end of the Ming Dynasty.

  A complete set of Han Chinese garment is assembled from several pieces of clothing into an attire:

  Yi (衣)、Pao (袍)、Ru (襦)、Shan (衫)、Qun (裙) 、Ku (褲)


中国结Chinese Knotting


  Chinese knotting is a decorative handicraft art that began as a form of Chinese folk art in the Tang and Song dynasty. The technique was later popularized in the Ming and spread to Japan and Korea.

  Chinese knot is formed by combining different knot decorations with each other or using other decorations with auspicious patterns to express blessings or prayers.

  Chinese knots are usually lanyard type arrangements where two cords enter from the top of the knot and two cords leave from the bottom. The knots are usually double-layered and symmetrical. As for the color of the line, red are the most common.




  A sachet is a small scented cloth bag filled with herbs, potpourri or aromatic ingredients.

  During the Chinese Warring States period, a scented sachet was an ornament worn on the body and used to absorb sweat, repel insects and ward off evils. Since around the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, scented bags were preferred only by women.Hundreds of years later, it became a love token in the Qing Dynasty.

  Scented sachets are often homemade and come in many sizes, styles, shapes and fragrances. They are not only used to make garments sweet smelling but keep away destructive insects and worms. Some are even made into Sweet Bag necklaces. Some are decorated with embroidery, beads, buttons, ribbons, and fancy cloth.
